Wa prepares second round response to junta
By Hseng Khio Fah
(Shanland) -The United Wa State Army (UWSA) is reported to have prepared its second round official response on the junta’s demands to transform itself into a junta-run border security force, as the deadline for compliance of them draws near, say sources from the Sino-Burma border.Lt-Gen Ye Myint (photo)
The junta’s chief of Military Affairs Security (MAS) Lt-Gen Ye Myint has asked the UWSA to have another round of talks in Panghsang tomorrow, after the Wa rejected its proposal.
The deadline for the Wa to respond to the demands is by the end of June.
On 26-27, May, following a summit meeting among Kokang, Wa and Mongla, Panghsang held another meeting, an officer who participated in the meeting told SHAN.
The meeting was held at its main base and it was attended by officials from several ranks.
“An agreement among the topics discussed was the decision to confirm its rejection to the junta’s proposal,” he said. “As for the question whether to transform itself into a border security force would be considered after the 2010 elections.”
Topics discussed in the meeting were:
• How to answer the junta’s demand to present its full inventory of strength, weapons, units and the list of those who are going to retire
• To prepare its supplies and to hold clear-cut principles regarding the current situation
• To object to the junta’s designation of training centers for border security forces prior to any agreement between the two sides
The Burma Army has reportedly named Kengtung, the capital of Shan State East, Tangyang, a town 83-miles south of Lashio, Shan State North and Bahtu, Shan State South as training centers.
In Mon State, there are two training centers in Thanbyuzayat township, according to Independent Mon News Agency (IMNA) report on 28 May.
But there was a rumor that trainees who don’t pass medical checkup will not be allowed to attend the training and trainees over 50 will not be also considered, the source said.
Some 75% of the Wa leadership had voted to reject the junta’s demands, he added.