Solo protestor arrested outside Insein - Zaw Nyunt
(DVB)–An elderly solo protester demonstrating today outside of the prison courtroom where Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi is on trial was arrested by plain-clothed security officials and taken away.Security has tightened outside of Rangoon’s Insein prison where Suu Kyi, her two caretakers and US citizen John Yettaw are on trial.
Observers say there is an increase in numbers of both uniformed and plain-clothed security officials, including members of the Swan Arr Shin militia group.
The man, said to be in his 50’s, was identified as retired army officer Zaw Nyunt, who is a member of activist group 88 Generation Workers. He held a banner saying ‘Release Mother Suu at once’.
“He had about less than a minute to protest and was quickly taken away by government officials nearby,” said an eye witness.
“He was seen being taken into Insein market located nearby the prison.”
An official on duty at Insein township police station said they heard about the protester but were unable to give out further detail as he didn’t arrive at the station.
“We don’t know where he was taken to or who took him,” said the official.
Reporting by Naw Say Phaw